Safety Tips
To Keep Your Child Safe
Welcome to the website of
The Safety Book For Kids
Keeping Your Child Safe Using A Personal Safety Plan.
The Safety Book For Kids
is a reference book you will use for years.
It is designed to help you in the all-important
task of raising your child safely, from
birth through the early teen years.
The book is packed
with over 1,000 safety
tips in 41 articles, plus some supplemental information. These tips came from hundreds of safety experts.
Here's why it is so important
that you
develop a Personal Safety Plan for your child:
Under the age of fifteen, about
16% of
boys and 12% of girls
need emergency medical
treatment every year due to an accident. Some of these injuries are
In the U.S., accidents kill
more children each year than
all diseases combined, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Safety Tips
To Keep Your Child Safe
A unique
feature of the book is the use of
illustrations and true stories to help get the points across.
Chase is paid to look foolish in a theme park. Tom and
Debbie did it for nothing. From the minute they arrived at
Disney World with son Michael and his pal, David, they lost
control of the day. Chalk it up to too much adrenaline, and
not enough planning. First, Debbie wore the wrong shoes.
Cute but painful. Two hours later she's hobbling from
blisters. Danny's parents didn't say he was allergic to hot
dogs, or that he sunburned easily (and badly). And then
there was the two hour episode when everybody got separated
from one another and wandered aimlessly trying to link up
because they hadn't established a meeting place. Thank
goodness they weren't on a real African cruise. They would
have ended up as crocodile bait.
The information in
The Safety Book For Kids
comes from the award-winning material in the e-book,
The Safety Book For Your Family.
For more
information on
The Safety Book For Your Family,
click here.
There is a link at the bottom of the Home page for
The Safety Book For Your Family
to bring you back to this Home page for
The Safety Book For Kids.
How You And
Your Family Will
Benefit From
Safety Book For Kids
● The
Safety Book For Kids
will help you determine the hazards your child will face, and what to do about
the dangers.
By developing a customized Personal Safety Plan for your child, you
significantly reduce the chances of a
serious accident.
Studies conducted by the
National Safety Council,
and organizations such as DuPont and the U.S. Navy, show that
a proactive approach to safety will significantly reduce off-the-job accidents.
● You receive complete
safety articles on 41 vital safety topics. Additional safety tips on 17 other
topics are also furnished.
The safety tips cover Home, Leisure, and General
safety topics.
One article focuses on Internet safety.
Several articles on what to look for if your child is on a sports
team are provided.
Another article gives you safety tips for Halloween, the most dangerous
day of the year for children.
There is also an article on preventing and detecting sexual abuse.
here for a List of the 41 Topics
The Safety Book For Kids gives you an
organized approach to the safety of your child, instead of the piecemeal
approach most families use.
You get a 10-step summary showing
you how to develop a Personal Safety Plan for your child.
● With the knowledge gained
from the book, you will be able to anticipate situations that might be unsafe
for your child.
The Safety Book For Kids is very
To download a PDF copy of the book, click this link.
There is
no obligation to buy.
here for more
about the book and
the author, John Myre.
Thanks for visiting
and for your support in reducing accidents.
Please tell your friends and associates about this website
and our services.
Also, your comments and
suggestions are always welcomed!
John Myre
Contact information
John Myre
1265 Rogue River Ct.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
The Safety Book
For Your Family