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How The Safety Times Reproducible Articles
Will Benefit You And Your Company

  Improve on-the-job productivity. About 80% of work days lost because of accidents are due to off-the-job accidents.

Reduce workers' compensation claims related to off-the-job injuries.

Improve your safety culture and employee morale.

Help your employees and their families avoid fatal and other serious off-the-job  accidents by giving them information they need to develop Personal Safety Plans. (see below for stats)

Lower medical and other expenses.

  * For a worksheet to determine your costs, click here.

Many off-the-job topics have direct application to on-the-job safety issues, particularly driving.

As the following examples show,
the good news is that a planned approach
to safety makes employees and families safer.

  The DuPont company has a comprehensive off-the-job safety program. Its employees and their families have far fewer off-the-job accidents than the national average.

  A program by the U.S. Navy emphasizing off-duty recreational safety has reduced fatalities by about 50 percent.

  Nearly 70 percent of boating fatalities involve an operator who didn't take a boating safety class. Boating fatalities are down over 50% in the last 30 years due to an emphasis on safety.

  Additional studies by the National Safety Council prove that off-the-job safety efforts reduce accidents.

  Also, on-the-job fatalities have declined significantly over the years due to a safety emphasis and the safety training provided to employees.


Why Every Employee Needs A Personal Safety Plan

   We have an "Accident Epidemic"
in this country. This "epidemic" affects far
more people than the viruses that grab the headlines.

With a Personal Safety Plan, we significantly reduce
 our chances of being involved in a serious accident.

Without a Personal Safety Plan,
these are the odds we face.

  • Over 120,000 Americans will die accidentally in the next twelve months; over 35,00 on the roads, over 60,000 at home, and over 25,000 in public locations.

  • Lifetime odds of dying accidentally are about 1-in-30 for males (more than 3%), and 1-in-50 for females (2%).

  • Accidents are the leading cause of death for kids, teens, and young adults, ages 1 to 42.

  • Every year over 37,000,000 (about 1-in-8) of us need professional medical attention due to off-the-job accidents.


Click here for more statistics and the calculation of the odds

Reproducible Articles Background

  The Safety Times Reproducible Articles are the product of more than ten years’ research. Nearly all of these updated topics were published at least twice in the Safety Times newsletter from 1992 through 2002.

  The Reproducible Articles are updated periodically every year as new statistics and information become available.

  The information for each topic comes from many sources. Before publishing each topic in the newsletter, the topic was reviewed by at least two CSPs (Certified Safety Professionals), or by a CSP and a subject-matter expert. Children’s topics were reviewed by a representative of the Safe Kids Worldwide organization; boating topics by the United States Coast Guard; the chainsaw topic by a safety trainer for a chainsaw manufacturer, and so on.

  These articles also appear in the award-winning book, Live Safely in a Dangerous World,

John Myre's Background

  John is the publisher of the Safety Times Reproducible Articles, the author of the award-winning book, Live Safely in a Dangerous World, and the e-book, The Safety Book For Your Family.

   He is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis. After a thirty-four year-career as a financial and risk management executive with Southwestern Bell Corporation, he founded Safety Times in 1992.

   From 1992-2002, he was the editor and publisher of Safety Times, an off-the job safety publication for businesses and organizations. The publication was distributed to over 20,000 people.

  With all these readers, and additional readers from the Safety Times Reproducible Articles, Live Safely in a Dangerous World, and The Safety Book For Your Family, we have never received one complaint regarding the material.

   John has achieved the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation. He has been a speaker at several safety conventions, has written articles for safety and risk management publications such as Professional Safety magazine and Business Insurance magazine, and is the author of the off-the-job safety chapter in Safety and Health Management Planning (Government Institutes, 1999).



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