Thanks for visiting. My mission is to help you and
your family avoid accidents, particularly serious ones.
You will find links below to download PDFs of my
three books at no charge.
You may print any or all of the pages that will help you
and your loved ones develop Personal Safety Plans and lead
safer lives.
Also, I encourage you to share this website
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Remember - All Times Are Safety Times!
John Myre
If this information proves helpful and you wish to make a contribution to
defray the expenses of
this website and publishing effort, please send a check for any
amount payable to Safety Times to the address below. A link to
information about the author can also be found below. The stats have
not been updated in recent years as this material is no longer
actively promoted. However, the safety tips are still valid.

Here are some book reviews and awards
that show why the books are a must for your family.
illustrations add a touch of light humor to this very serious
and practical guide to minimizing the odds of dangerous or fatal
accidents… a well-rounded, erudite, and first-rate primer warning
of obvious and subtle daily hazards. Highly recommended; careful
perusal of the pages could potentially save lives.”
Rated 5 of 5 stars on Amazon by The Midwest Book Review
is a worthwhile, readable volume ... and it is organized
for easy
Of course, not all accidents can be
prevented. Still, if more
of us took Myre’s suggestions to
heart, our world would be a lot
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Book Awards For Live Safely in
a Dangerous World
Live Safely in a Dangerous
is a proud winner of the 2006 Parent to Parent
Adding Wisdom Award, the only award program to ever be honored by
Live Safely in a Dangerous World
was selected from over 1500 entries as one of
Ten Outstanding Books of the Year in the 2003 Independent
Publisher Book Awards competition.
Live Safely in a Dangerous World
was also selected as the book
"Most Likely To Save The Planet" in the 2003 Independent
Publisher Book Awards competition.
The book won a 2003 Writer’s Digest nonfiction category award.
addition to the awards for the book, a publisher in China has
published a Chinese-language edition.
The purpose of
The Safety Book For
Your Family,
Live Safely in a
Dangerous World, and
The Safety Book For Kids
is to help you and your
loved ones lead long
and productive lives by avoiding accidents.
This information
will help every family
member develop Personal Safety Plans,
which are a necessity to deal with
the hazards we face every day of our lives.
If you think
accidents are just a remote
for your family, here are the unpleasant facts:
This year over 120,000 people of all ages will die in
accidents in the U.S.
37,000,000 (about 1-in-8) of us will suffer injuries this
year that require professional medical attention.
Some of these injuries are life-altering.
Lifetime odds of
dying accidentally are about 1-in-30 for males, and
for females.
Accidents are the leading cause of death for kids,
teens, and young adults, ages 1 to 42.
Live Safely in a Dangerous World
(289 pages) is an
award-winning book
that was originally published
as a paperback.
Almost all topics are printed in a two-page format.
The Safety Book For Your Family
(142 pages)
is an updated
e-book version of
Live Safely in a Dangerous
All topics are printed
in a one-page format.
Both books have over 125 easy-to-read
topics on
Driving, Home, Leisure and General, and Kids' safety.
The information in
The Safety Book For Kids
comes from the
The Safety Book For Your Family.
A unique
feature of the books is the use
illustrations and true
stories to help get the points across.
For years,
Gail kept her favorite captain’s chair with its comfortable
seat cushion beside her kitchen pantry. Not only was it an
attractive piece of furniture, it was also perfect to stand
on for reaching objects stored high in the pantry. On a
stylistic whim, she replaced the flat cushion with a thicker
version. The next time she climbed onto the chair, the
surprising thickness of the new cushion caused her to lose
her balance and crash to the floor, injuring her shoulder
and striking her head.

To keep you and your loved ones safe, you
will have at your fingertips
over 3,000 safety tips.
These tips came from hundreds of safety experts.
You can use these tips to tailor Personal
Safety Plans for the safety of every family member.
● Safety
plans are not static; they must change with the seasons, and as your family and activities
More Reviews for
Live Safely in a Dangerous World
Click Here For More Examples Of How
Live Safely
The Safety Book
You And Your Family Stay Safe
Click here for more statistics from the National
Council, and how the odds are calculated
This Material Will Also Help
Your Business Or Organization
More information on how this safety material will help your Company Safety Program
is available
at another location on this website,
Safety Times
Reproducible Articles.
At the bottom
of that page is a link back to this page,
The Safety Book For Your Family.
Click here for information about the
of the book and the author

Other Pages On This Site
About The Book
* Is An "Accident" Really An Accident
* Book Introduction
Press Room
* Author Bio And Photo
* Cover Images
* Author Interview
* Reviews, Awards, and Testimonials
Thanks for visiting
and for your support in reducing accidents.
Please tell your friends and associates about this website
and our services.
Also, your comments and
suggestions are welcomed.
John Myre, Author
Contact information
John Myre
1265 Rogue River Ct.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
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The Safety Book For Kids